Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Looking ahead to the 17th Century

After Horace, the plan is to look at a few 17th Century British poets, to expand our context for Milton. There are some resources on the Net -- this overview on Wikipedia, and this collection (scroll down) which includes fine samples from the Cavalier poets (Jonson, Herrick, Lovelace, Carew et al), and the "metaphysicals," (Donne, Herbert, Vaughn, Marvell, and more).

Most of the above lived and wrote before Milton published Paradise Lost. With the Restoration, other poets came to the scene, including John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of Rochester and Famous Rake, and John Dryden. Good overview of Restoration Literature here (and of Restoration Comedy here.)

Got a 17th c. poem or poet you particularly want us to read? Let us know.

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