Friday, October 30, 2009

Crumb Reviewed

Shaw points us to two reviews of R. Crumb's illustrated The Book of Genesis:

David Hajdu in the Times has a few images from the book, and David Colton in USA Today interviewed Crumb in France:
The Rev. James Martin, a Jesuit priest who writes about pop culture and who has seen excerpts of the book, says Crumb is only the latest artist to bring the Bible to a new generation.
Did Paradise Lost seem quite so provocative to 17th Century England?

It might also be worth pondering Crumb's very "human" approach to Genesis in contrast with what Prof. Rogers describes as Milton's effort to be at, or before, the beginning of all poetry, all history, all time:
Milton wants to create the illusion that he's predicting, or that he's prophesying, the actions recounted in the poem, as if Milton were prophesying what of course we know to be already past. This is the strategy of retrospective anticipation. Lecture 9.

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