Wednesday, January 28, 2009

2 Sam. 18:33

When David Heard - Thomas Tomkins (1572-1656)

And the king4428 was much moved,7264 and went up5927 to5921 the chamber5944 over the gate,8179 and wept:1058 and as he went,1980 thus3541 he said,559 O my son1121 Absalom,53 my son,1121 my son1121 Absalom!53would God4310 5414 I589 had died4191 for8478 thee, O Absalom,53 my son,1121 my son!1121

Contristatus itaque rex, ascendit cœnaculum portæ, et flevit. Et sic loquebatur, vadens: Fili mi Absalom, Absalom fili mi: quis mihi tribuat ut ego moriar pro te, Absalom fili mi, fili mi Absalom?

Absalon fili mi,
quis det ut moriar pro te, Absalon?
Non vivam ultra,
sed descendam in infernum plorans.

Absalon my son,
if only I had died instead of you, Absalon!
I shall live no more,
but go down to hell, weeping.

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